The attractivity of western Lausanne

Lausanne et sa périphérie ne cessent de gagner en attractivité. Depuis quelques années, la région s’affirme comme l’une des plus dynamiques de Suisse romande sur le plan économique. Cette évolution contribue à accentuer la demande de surfaces de bureaux et Cocoon répond parfaitement à cette demande.

Today, Lausanne’s economic centre of gravity is gradually shifting to the west. More attractive thanks to a growing and modern offer contrasting with the ageing real estate stock of Lausanne, the area is rising as a new centre of activities in the region. Located in Bussigny, Cocoon is ideally integrated into the development and dynamisation of the western part of Lausanne.

At the heart of the densification plan of Lausanne-Morges’ agglomeration, Bussigny forms a connecting link between the two cities. The town gathers more than 6,500 jobs, mainly in the service industry. No less than 500 SMEs are active in the town. Several large companies are also based in the area. For example, the CIE (Lausanne printing centre) or the Scheuchzer company, which is active in the railway sector. QoQa, the e-commerce platform that has been offering good daily deals since 2005, has also become a well-known name in the region (source: Commune de Bussigny).

Very well located in terms of mobility, Cocoon is part of the area’s dynamic growth and offers a high-quality infrastructure for companies wishing to take advantage of this key position.

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